Embrace Your Calm
with Ntathu.

Meet Ntathu

Big hugs and hi, I'm Ntathu Allen (she/her).

Ntathu is a yoga and meditation teacher, author, blogger, and mother of three grown children.

She also loves to work with other individuals and groups to share the benefits of yoga, Yoga Nidra, and meditation with people seeking inner peace, inner calm and well-being on both a personal and societal level.

Ntathu, a cis-gendered female of Caribbean descent born and raised in London, UK, is aware of how our intersecting identities and the roles we play to “fit in” may leave us feeling worn out, exhausted, and disconnected from our true selves.

And that’s why she’s here to support you:

  • Stay steady in tough times
  • Stay rested when you feel exhausted
  • Stay grounded when the world is crashing down

so that you can start each day with peace, renewed hope and clarity.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Hugs, tender care and peace

Ntathu Allen (she/her)

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    *And from time to time, I'll invite you to sign up for the paid programmes, products and services I offer. And remind you to hire me as a Yoga Nidra Facilitator and/or Mindfulness Meditation Teacher for your inclusive & diverse group spaces, community organisations, mentorship programmes and masterminds centring on social justice, self-care and collective wellness.

    ** I value consent so before I send you email sequences about any new offers, I will check-in and offer you the option to opt-out of that particular sequence. **